Every Friday
@ 1845 CST
Join us for live AM/MW (and sometimes FM DX, too!) every Friday at 1845 CDT for DX Central Live! You can catch us on any of our four platforms: YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Twitter!

DX Central Live! | Season 5, Episode 20 | Friday, February 7, 2025

About DX Central
DX Central is the home for all things radio, specializing in AM/MW and FM DX. Founded in May of 2020 by Loyd Van Horn (W4LVH), an avid DXer of more than 30 years, DX Central's goal is to help educate others on the art of DXing as well as to energize the DX community. As part of that effort, Loyd began his DX Central Live! livestreams in early 2021 as a way to help showcase live DX conditions, techniques and more. He has since expanded to include his weekly MW Frequency Challenges which encourage the DX community to all listen in for the week on a specific frequency or range of frequencies. Now, Loyd brings DX Central Live! each week on four platforms from his Northshore Studios in Mandeville, Louisiana.
Find out more about DX Central and the DX hobby in general by visiting our main website: